The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

The story so far: In Nov '02, we were accepted into a domestic infant adoption program. In Jan '03, we decided to switch to their Russia international adoption program. In Feb, we realized this wasn't the right program for us. We found a new homestudy agency, and a new adoption agency, Children's Hope International (CHI). In June, we switched homestudy agencies to Community Adoption Center (CAC). All of our paperwork was finished in August and in Sept our dossier was sent to Russia and on to the Tomsk region. We hope to get a referral sometime this winter and bring our daughter home before May. We hope to adopt a girl under 36 months. Below are daily updates, links, thoughts and tips I want to remember later.

Tomsk, Russia Forecast

Friday, March 19, 2004

For a variety of reasons, we have decided to pursue domestic (infant) adoption. This wasn't an easy decision. We contacted our international agency this morning to let them know we were done; I was waiting until we did that to post here or tell anyone else. The reasons have to do with our own fear of returning and losing another referral, our dissatisfaction with our agency, the frustration we would feel at beginning the paperwork over again if we switched agencies, and more.

We intend to put our profile into our homestudy agency's "resume file." This is the agency that actually did our homestudy--Community Adoption Center. We really liked our social worker and the office staff there, so we are looking forward to working with them more. We're not looking forward to starting the waiting game again. Nor writing up a "resume." It's 6-12 pages of information and pictures about ourselves. Birthparents look through the files to find families they like. It's nerve-wracking to come up with the "perfect" things to say.

Our timeline now? I hope to have our information in their files by the first week of April. Then, it's completely unknown. We have to wait for a birthfamily to choose us. Then we have to wait for the child to be born. Then we have to wait for the court hearing that severes the birth parents rights. I'm still trying to decide whether to continue this blog during the process. At the moment, I do not want to go through what just happened and have the adoption fall through. (The birthparents can change their minds anytime before the court hearing is over.) But, at the same time, I wouldn't mind some people knowing what we're going through. And it's easier to have be people I rarely see rather than the people I see every day. (Some of my friends here at work do read this, and that's okay. But it's not everyone, like how everyone knew every step of the Russia experience.)

I guess I'll have to change the name of this blog.

posted by AnnMarie at 5:55 AM |




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